Why ESL?

A taxi driver, a seamstress,  a psychologist and a mom with a young autistic son.esl-e1519246948255.jpg

What do these individuals have in common?

Every Saturday morning they, along with many others, meet together to learn the English language.

English is currently the most commonly spoken language in the world. A recent study of developing countries concluded that learning English can increase the earning power of individuals by around 25%.  The study went onto explain that developing economies need access to English if they are to competively grow and develop.

These statistics and others provide immense support for developing an English as a Second Language program here in La Paz, Bolivia.  However, for those of us directly involved in the program, we only need to look at the lives of our students to understand the impact of this program.

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The taxi driver, able to speak with Americans and other western visitors, will now increase both his clientele and his profits.  The seamstress will also increase her business as her clients spread the word throughout the wealthier, ex-pat, community of her ability to communicate in both Spanish and English.

The psychologist and the mom of the child with special needs gain access to valuable online resources. Most online research and information in the education and medical sector is offered primarily in the English language.  Because of this now-accessible information, the psychologist will receive additional training and education to better serve her clients. The mother will find invaluable resources and online communities to better help her young son.

These Saturday mornings together, learning and connecting, are helping an amazing group of diverse individuals grow their businesses, communicate with a broader population and access valuable resources.  If you would like to come and be a part of these classes, either as a student or as a volunteer, please contact hopewwbolivia@gmail.com!! We would love to have you join us!

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There is also the opportunity to help us support and expand ESL in Bolivia! If you would like to donate to support this incredible program, please click here .  Make sure to note “Bolivia ESL” in the comments section on the second page. Thank you!

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